Monthly Meeting: Ballard Community Task Force on Homelessness and Hunger
1753 Northwest 56th Street
Seattle, WA 98107
Please join us if you are available next Thursday, August 28th (10:30AM-12Noon) for the monthly meeting of the Ballard Community Taskforce on Homelessness and Hunger, at Nyer Urness House. We will be hearing and discussing updates from the Scofflaw Mitigation, Road to Housing and American Refugees projects.
We will also discuss the August 29th meeting with CouncilMember Larry Phillips, who will be visiting Ballard and would like to meet and hear from us on local homelessness issues. If you would like to be part of the meeting with CM Phillips, on Friday 8/29 at 2:00PM (at Nyer Urness House), please come to the BCTHH meeting on Thursday or just contact Orna via email.
If you have an issue you’d like to add to the agenda or an announcement to make at the meeting, please email Orna and we will do our best to make room for it.
Mission of the Taskforce: The BCTHH works to end homelessness and hunger in the Ballard community by providing a forum for service providers, community advocates and governmental agencies to share information, capitalize on their collective resources and coordinate efforts. We will work as advocates of change and partners of compassion toward a just and supportive community.
* Encourage local residents and community organizations to work with community members who face homeless and/or hunger.
* Support and partner with non-profit, religious, government, for-profit and community groups who provide programs and resources for vulnerable residents in our community.
* Mobilize resources within and outside Ballard to provide adequate food, shelter and supportive services for all residents of Ballard.
* Provide a venue for honest, open discussion of the challenges faced by homeless residents and the groups that serve them, including ways to meet those challenges successfully.
* Link individuals with unique challenges with organizations that provide relevant specialized services.