
Office Location and Mailing Address

We have no physical office. Our mailing address is a post office box:
Sustainable Ballard
2442 NW Market Street PMB 286
Seattle, WA 98107

The tool library is located at:
Ballard Tool Library
7549B 15th Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98117

For current hours and info Ballard Tool Library


Message phone: 206-701-7000


General email:

Board, Staff and Project Leaders

Andrea Faste, Board President, PEG

Alyssa Pittman, Edible Garden Tour

Ashlee Norris, Game & Puzzle Swamp

Chris Ingersoll, Bakery Gleaning

Jason Lang, Board Member

Jenn Skelley, Board Member

Jenny Heins, Executive Director, RainWise, Festival Coordinator, Ballard Tool Library, Meaningful Movies

Jody Grage, Ballard Knitters for the Homeless, Community Outreach

Judy Tangen, Board Secretary

Mackenzie Kroon, Tool Library Manager

Marcia Cote, Board Member

Olivia Price, Board Treasurer, Market Gleaning

Polly Freeman, Idle Free Ballard

Rain Gilman, Marketing & Membership

Stu Frothingham, Board Member

Wendy Wheeler, Board Member

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