Youth Bike Summit 2015 – Feb 13-15
The Youth Bike Summit is an annual three-day national conference bringing together educators, advocates, activists, students, teenagers, practitioners, researchers, policy makers, and community leaders to engage around youth, bicycles, education, and advocacy. We bring people together from different disciplines and backgrounds to network, learn, and explore how the bicycle is a catalyst for positive social change. Participants are dedicated to showcasing and sharing the best practices, unique perspectives, and insights they bring from their local communities to a national platform. Through hands-on workshops, presentations (many led by youth), keynote speakers, discussion, and visioning, we transform dialogue about the benefits of safe and equitable access to transportation and mobility through the bicycle into practical, actionable outcomes, while supporting the health, development, stewardship, and empowerment of youth. The Youth Bike Summit is a supportive, encouraging, and inclusive space that welcomes and highlights a myriad of perspectives relating to advocacy, activism, social justice, job training/readiness, health, policy, transportation and mobility, food and energy, climate change, community resilience, organizing, design, and social innovation – all supporting bicycling as a catalyst for the health of our communities. Aiming to unite theory and practice, the Youth Bike Summit is co-organized by Youth Bike (a program of Recycle-A-Bicycle) and The New School’s urbanBIKE Initiative.
This touchstone national event has taken place in NYC for the past four years. Seattle is honored to host the Youth Bike Summit for its first year on the road! Last year more than 500 youth and adults attended the Youth Bike Summit from 26 states and 4 countries. Join the movement and contribute your ideas about what a better biking future looks like!