Water Spotter Project – Phase II: Oct 15 – Nov 15
The rain is back – and it means more than donning rain pants and helmet covers for wet commutes. It’s time to take out your phone, find a puddle, and be a water spotter!
Check out a video of one of the biggest puddles ever and one of our favorite garden photos. Rain gardens around the region loved the sunny summer, but that dry weather also means lots of oil and toxics on the roadways that are seeping into Puget Sound as we speak.
We at Washington Environmental Council are excited to launch phase two of the water spotter project – a funny puddle photo contest! We were inspired by a photo series to raise awareness of pot holes in Philadelphia that helped improve their roads. Check out their photos here.
We will run our own contest from October 15 to November 15 and encourage people to stage funny photos using puddles and share them with the #waterspotter hashtag. We’ll have prizes and feature the creative work of local Instagrammers. Are you in? We’ll share more details as we get close to the start of the contest.
Here is a taste of Phase II: http://waterspotter. wordpress.com/contest/
The contest starts soon – in the meantime, can we count on you to post a few more photos on Instagram?
1. Continue to post one photo a week on Instagram with the #waterspotter hashtag.
2. Commit to posting one funny photo for our contest in late October.
3. Share a twitter or facebook post from water spotter and encourage your followers to like our page.
Can we count on you to take water spotter to the next stage? We say bring on the rain!
#waterspotter team
Rein, Natalie, Brendan, Mark
Washington Environmental Council