Urban Forest & Green Space Candidate Forum – Sept 29

To make change happen

What:       September 2015 Urban Forest & Green Space Candidate Forum

When:      September 29, 7-9 pm.

Where:     University of Washington, Botanic Gardens Center for Urban Horticulture (3501 NE 41st Street, Seattle, WA 98105)

Who:     The Forum is being hosted by PlantAmnesty and TreePAC.org
Co-sponsored by:

  • City Fruit
  • Nature Consortium
  • Friends of Seattle’s Olmsted Parks
  • Seattle Green Spaces Coalition
  • Seattle Nature Alliance
  • Thornton Creek Alliance
  • Solid Ground
  • Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest

Why:        Urban forest and green spaces, as you know, create healthy and livable communities. The goal of the forum is to provide a platform for our organizations, members, and allies to present and discuss key issues with potential City Council members. Additionally, the forum will help the community understand each candidate’s vision for green and open space in Seattle. The forum will elevate these issues and help prioritize their consideration in future City Council work.

The forum will address issues concerning the urban forest and green space in Seattle, and specific issues facing City Council members including: density and development, urban forestry funding and legislation, Parks acquisition, and comprehensive urban forest planning.

The forum will not address broad issues such as climate change, recycling, or housing.

The questions to be posed to the candidates by a moderator must be pre-submitted to the steering committee, though some audience participation is encouraged. Directly following the forum there will be an on-site straw poll with attendees voting for candidates based on their performance. Accompanying the vote will a live social media event which will reach an estimated 50,000 individuals. The results will be released to media outlets.

For more information please contact Cass Turnbull at 206-783-9093 orcassturnbull@comcast.net