Town Hall Science Event: Nathaniel Rich – Apr 26
Losing Earth—A Recent History

By 1979, we knew nearly everything we understand today about climate change—including how to stop it. The New York Times Magazine devoted an entire issue to Nathaniel Rich’s groundbreaking chronicle of a handful of scientists who embarked on a decade-long scientific struggle to convince the world to act before it was too late. Now Rich joins us with Losing Earth, a book-length expansion on that explosive article.
He takes the stage with a chronicle of the lives of the people who grappled with the great existential threat of our age. Rich reveals, in previously unreported detail, the birth of climate denialism and the genesis of the fossil fuel industry’s coordinated effort to thwart climate policy through misinformation propaganda and political influence. Join Rich for an urgent conversation about the moral framework of climate change that is essential for understanding how we got here, and how we must go forward.
Nathaniel Rich is the author of the novels King Zeno, Odds Against Tomorrow, and The Mayor’s Tongue. He is a writer at large for The New York Times Magazine and a regular contributor to The Atlantic and The New York Review of Books.
Presented by Town Hall Seattle.