Swansons Seminar: An Introduction to Keeping Honeybees – Feb 23
Have you been thinking about raising bees in your backyard? Honeybees are an asset to the backyard gardener because they pollinate fruit trees, berries, vegetables, and other garden plants. And, of course, their honey is a delicious and valuable product you can harvest at home and share with your family and friends. Join professional beekeeper Dave Schiefelbein for this free, introductory seminar to learn about the benefits of beekeeping, zoning restrictions and costs, some basic honey bee science, where to get bees and how to be ready for when your bees arrive, basic hive management, and what to expect in the first season. Even if you walk into this class knowing next to nothing about honeybees and beekeeping, you will walk out with enough knowledge to say “yes, I can do this”, or “no, this is not for me right now”.
Note: Dave will be offering an in-depth, follow-up course “You’ve Decided to Become a Beekeeper! Now What?” on March 9th for $40.
Please register below to reserve your place at this seminar. Walk-ins are accepted IF there is space at the start of the seminar.
If you are unable to attend the seminar, please unregister on Eventbrite or by emailing garden@swansonsnursery.com. For more information about seminars and a map to our seminar room, please click here.