Sustainable Ballard Bakery Gleaning End of Year Report
The Sustainable Ballard Bakery Gleaning team collects unsold bread and baked goods from Tall Grass Bakery, Cafe Besalu, and Mighty-O donuts and delivers them to St. Luke’s Edible Hope program. This year the team has been hard at work!
306 volunteer hours
624 50lb bags of bread from Tall Grass Bakery
260 bags of pastries from Cafe Besalu
9,600 doughnuts from Mighty-O Donuts
Pick Up Schedule:
Sunday: Tall Grass Bakery, Mighty-O Donuts
Tuesday: Cafe Besalu
Wednesday: Tall Grass Bakery, Mighty-O Donuts
Some additional days as needed
In addition, when there is an abundance of bread on the last Friday of the month, it is offered to Meals with Neighbors for their Sunday meal.
This is an amazing amount of food that is being channeled by our neighbors to a program that supports our neighbors!
To get involved, contact Chris.