A Message From A Ballard Little Free Library Steward

Signa shares her thoughts on her Little Free Library

“My little library is kept refreshed by a neighbor who deals in books and, of course, the people who bring a book. I always check to see if there is something I want to read! I enjoy seeing people stop and browse.

Today in my library are three volumes of Lord of the Rings, a children series (missing first volume) by Sylvia Waugh, two books in Norwegian, Swedish or maybe German, non-fiction The Tools: Transfer your Problems into Courage, Confidence and Creativity), a couple of mysteries, and a container of DampRid to absorb the moisture and keep the books dry.

There are lots of libraries in my neighborhood and when I go for a walk I stop and see what they have. One can never have too many books to read!”

Signa is a long time Little Free Library steward. She owns a beautiful metal library on 77th Ave NW.  Little Free Library’s are located all around the Ballard Neighborhood and across the country. To learn more about Sustainable Ballard’s Little Free Library Project please visit our Little Free Library Landing Page.