Sign the Climate Action Petition
We join with our friends from the Washington Environmental Council in asking you to sign this petition to Governor Jay Inslee.
Asthma rates are skyrocketing among our kids. Wildfires are burning our homes. Excessive rain is flooding our communities.
These are the threats we face from a dirty fossil fuel industry that is more interested in protecting its bottom line than cutting pollution to protect the people in our cities and towns.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Here in Washington, we have legislators ready to act to solve the biggest problems of climate that are affecting people right now. They are joining our neighbors in California, Oregon, and British Columbia to protect our children’s future by acting on climate change.
Now they need to hear from you that protecting our health by building a clean energy economy is the right step forward for Washington. Join thousands of your neighbors in our state and sign this petition to tell Governor Inslee and the leaders in Olympia now that you support climate action.
We know that the pollutants from unregulated power plants, dirty coal trains, and the effects of burning oil have been linked to terrible health effects like stunted lungs and impaired brain development in children. Thankfully, there is still time to act and protect our health and our children’s futures—we just need to act now.
Thank you.