Share your Gardening Knowledge with Neighbors
Include Your Garden in the 2020 Edible Garden Tour
Would you like to share you gardening knowledge with neighbors? If you live in NW Ballard (north of 70th and west of 24th) we would love to include your garden on our Edible Garden Tour this summer. We are looking for a range of gardens in this neighborhood that include edible plants! We would, of course, provide you with the supplies necessary to make this safe and enjoyable for everyone. Please contact Alyssa Pittman to be included.
The Edible Garden Tour is scheduled for July 11, 2020 from 10am – 3pm (if local COVID-19 guidelines allow). Our goal is to educate and inspire folks to grow food by giving examples of creative uses of parking strips, containers, raised beds, bee houses, chicken coops, goats, fruit trees, berries and more! The tour includes 10-12 gardens to explore within walking distance of each other in Northwest Ballard. To learn more visit the Edible Garden Tour webpage.