Public Talk: Climate Science On Tap – Going to Extremes: Is It Climate Change or Just Bad Weather? – Sept 21

September 21st, 8pm – 9:30pmPeddler Brewing Company, 1514 NW Leary Way

Rachel White, PhD, climate researcher with the UW Joint Institute of Studies on the Displaying Screen Shot 2016-09-07 at 3.13.00 PM.pngAtmosphere and Ocean, will speak about the effects of global warming on extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes. Come learn more about the science of climate change and how it may impact the Pacific Northwest in coming decades, ask questions, learn what you can do, and enjoy a fun, engaging discussion around the tables in Peddler’s beer garden.

All ages welcome!  Doors open at 7pm.  Come early and enjoy the food truck and games!  Admission free.

Sponsored by Cascadia Climate Action.

For more info click here.