Pollinate Ballard — last call!

Last chance to sign up for a mason bee kit is Saturday, March 7th.  See below for the two easy steps to joining Sustainable Ballard’s Bee Team!
This spring, let’s put Mason Bees to work in our yards to pollinate our fruit trees and garden plants!  Mason bees are beneficial and non-aggressive, safe to have around kids and pets.  With a rented bee kit, it’s easy to help with the pollination crisis in your own backyard.
mason bees
A group of Ballard bee fans are planning to rent mason bee kits from The Queen Bee – want to join us?  A medium-sized nesting box that holds 50 Mason Bees rents for $25.  We plan to coordinate a pickup of the bee-boxes from Bothell in March, to a single distribution site in central Ballard.  Then in June we’ll reverse the process, and send all the bees home to Bothell in one trip.
To join Sustainable Ballard’s Bee Team:
1. Reserve your bee kit here!
2. Email Julia and let her know you’d like to join in.  Please include your phone number.
Want more info?  Go to one of The Queen Bee’s presentations for all the buzz about Mason Bees, or check ’em out on Wikipedia.
Hey, some of you are asking, Why just until June?  Well, by then the mason bees will have hatched, pollinated our gardens, and laid their eggs in the bee house – all done til next year.  (They are called mason bees because they build little mud walls between the eggs in the tubular holes – pretty cool.)