Plastic Free Ecochallenge – Join our Team
Join the Sustainable Ballard Unfestival Team!
When: July 1-31, 2020 (You can jump in in the middle and still make an impact!)
Organizer: EcoChallenge ~ Plastic Free EcoChallenge
Register: Online (Everyone who joins the team and checks in twice becomes eligible for prizes from the UnFestival!!)
Reducing plastic use and plastic pollution is as important today as it ever was. These challenges present the opportunity for creativity and innovation, with that spirit of creation and adventure. Preventing the spread of COVID-19 requires that we adapt to changing regulations and the changing availability of plastic free alternatives in order to prioritize public health and the safety of our communities and loved ones.
This year, Sustainable Ballard is sponsoring a team as part of our UnFestival. The UnFestival theme for July is “Waste”; we’ll be focusing on how to reduce overall waste, with a special emphasis on plastic.