How a Climate Scientist Came to Love Taming Bigfoot – Nov 8

Taming Bigfoot is a carbon footprint reduction competition to engage the community and accelerate Seattle’s progress toward reducing greenhouse gas  (GHG) emissions (also referred to as carbon emissions.)


The City of Seattle is committed to a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and recently adopted the Seattle Climate Action Plan as the first step toward achieving that goal. Many residents are already taking action, however, many more of us remain on the sidelines asking “what can/should I do?” and “will my actions really make a difference?” A local grassroots volunteer group, 1 Sustainable Planet, is organizing a fun, prize-filled competition to help answer these questions. The competition lasts 3 months, beginning with a kick-off event in mid-January 2018 and concluding with an awards ceremony on Earth Day. 

Applications to participate will be accepted beginning in November 2017.