Greenwood Triangle Project – seeking interested community members
Sustainable Ballard is looking for people who might be interested in getting involved in planning for the Greenwood Triangle / intersection of 3rd Ave NW and NW 56th Street. In addition to the Seattle Department of Transportation description of the project (see below), there is some community interest in creating a community garden, a water feature or plan for the substantial seep / creek that comes down 56th to the intersection, and tying into the bike greenway that ends at West Woodland and directs bikers up the hill via this intersection?
Interested? Let us know.
Seattle Department of Transportation Project Description
The existing intersection of NW 56th Street, 3rd Avenue NW, and NW 55th Place is a five-way intersection with stop controls at NW 56th Street and NW 55th Place. 3rd Avenue NW is a two-way, two lane arterial roadway with on-street parking provided on both sides of the street. NW 56th Street is a local two-way, two lane local roadway with parking provided on both sides east of the intersection. NW 55th Place is an arterial roadway and approaches the intersection skewed, and at a steep grade, which limits sight distance to vehicles and pedestrians at the intersection. Space is not provided for on street parking on NW 55th Place. Existing sidewalks are located along both sides of 3rd Avenue NW and NW 56th Street. No pedestrian facilities are located along NW 55th Place. West Woodland Elementary School is located one block west of this intersection and the Greenwood Triangle Park is located at the southwest corner of the intersection. Utilities observed at the intersection consist of overhead power and communications, sewer, and storm drainage.
The proposed improvements would close NW 55th Place and convert the intersection to a four-way stop controlled intersection. The arterial route would be changed from NW 55th Place to NW 55th Street located south of this site. Curb bulbs would be installed on 3rd Avenue NW and new ADA-compliant curb ramps would be installed on all corners and upgraded drainage would be provided due to the new intersection geometry. The closure of NW 55th Place at the intersection provides the opportunity to increase the amount of green space at the Greenwood Triangle Park. There is one parcel with access provided from NW 55th Place that would need to be maintained. This project will be required to utilize Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) to the maximum amount feasible. Generally this could consist of new tree plantings and some small raingardens.
More information from SDOT (scroll down to second project description).