Forterra Presents: Seed & Feed with Lisa Graumlich – Jan 15
Where: 901 5th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122
When: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm, Thursday, Jan 15th, 2015
Contact: Maia Barmish –
A Conversation with Lisa J. Graumlich, PhD
Dean of the UW College of the Environment
How new findings by earth scientists add urgency to planning for resilience in the Pacific Northwest.
The science community has clear and abundant evidence that we have entered a new geologic epoch – the Anthropocene or the Age of Humans – reflecting our massive impact on the planet. What does this mean for the Pacific Northwest?
We are already seeing impacts of climate change on our lands and waters. Dr. Graumlich will present evidence documenting the trajectories of environmental change in our region and lead a discussion on planning for climate resilience.