Edible Garden Tour Planning Meeting
RSVP for Address
Sustainable Ballard’s 6th Annual Edible Garden Tour is set for Saturday, June 28th, 10am-3pm.
Interested community members are invited to join us in planning the tour, which will be in the northwest Ballard area (from NW 70th Street to NW 85th Street and west from 24th Avenue NW to the ridge). The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 27th @ 7pm. RSVP to Paula to get location information.
We have plans to combine with Little Free Libraries and Rain Gardens, to really showcase all that is happening in the area.
Anyone who knows of a garden, bee hive, chicken house, planting strip, fruit tree , berry patch, or herb pot, in the area, please contact Paula, this year’s garden scout. They can be in containers or shared spaces, in parking strips or in raised beds; the idea is to show, teach and inspire everyone to see the possibilities of what can be done in an urban landscape in terms of edibles.
Next meeting, May 27th. Come join the fun!