Board Game and Puzzle Swap

September 21, 2017 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Ballard Branch Seattle Public Library
5614 22nd Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98107
Shanon Lyon

Board Game + Puzzle Swap

Clean out your game closet, get something new to play or put together this fall, and mingle with other gamers in the neighborhood!

What: Sustainable Ballard Board Game + Puzzle Swap
Where: Ballard Public Library
When: Thursday, September 21 from 6 – 7:30pm

What to bring:
Kid, family, or adult board games or puzzles that you no longer want and a snack to share (optional). Games and puzzles should be in good shape, and all pieces should be included. You can exchange up to five games / puzzles.  Feel free to bring extra, however. Anything not claimed in the exchange will live at the new Ballard Tool Library and be available for check out!

How does it work?
6 – 6:45: Arrive with your games and puzzles and check in. You’ll receive a token for each game or puzzle you bring (up to 5). Take a look at what’s available, get to know other neighborhood gamers, and enjoy snacks.

6: 45 – 7: 30: Beginning at 6:45, we’ll randomly pull tokens. If you have a token that matches, select a game from what’s available. All games and puzzles not chosen will be donated to the new Ballard Tool Library and available for check out.