Annual Meeting
3003 NW 66th St.
All are welcome to our annual meeting! Saturday, January 18, 10am to noon at Sunset Hill Community Association Clubhouse, upper floor.
We will be celebrating accomplishments from 2019, welcoming new board members, sharing our thoughts on challenges and expectations for the organization. We’d love for you to join us in a couple of exercises to identify priorities for 2020. This is a great opportunity to get to know more about Sustainable Ballard, who we are, what we do and how you might get involved. Refreshments will be served (thanks to a generous donation from Ballard Market.)
Sustainable Ballard focuses on promoting sustainable lifestyles by supporting neighbors to develop projects with a broad range of sustainability goals, including hosting community events, building the local food supply through urban farming and food bank support, and sharing resources in the neighborhood. There are more than a dozen ongoing events and projects, most relying on volunteers to succeed.
For example, at the monthly Ballard Knitters meeting, volunteers knit scarves and gloves for people who are homeless. Ballard’s Edible Garden Tour offers participants a chance to visit beautiful edible gardening spaces in the neighborhood and to learn a variety of ways to grow food in their own backyard.
The Annual Meeting is also an opportunity to look behind the curtain of Sustainable Ballard’s operations and consider joining one of our working groups: GO (General Operations), COR (Community Outreach) or PEG (Projects & Events Group).