Baby It’s Still Cold Outside

Create some warmth! – Knitting on March 24

What: Sustainable Ballard Knitters for the Homeless
Where: MOD Pizza Ballard, 6010 15th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98107*
When: Tuesday, March 24, 7pm to 9pm


Brrr, even through spring is just around the corner, it’s still cold outside at night!  This group of Ballard knitters gather monthly to knit hats and scarves for people experiencing homelessness or who are in transitional housing.

*This month the Ballard Knitters will be meeting at MOD Pizza Ballard on Tuesday, March 24 in conjunction with Sustainable Ballard’s Fundraiser; instead of the regularly scheduled second Tuesday of the Month at the Dane. 

All skill levels — including beginners — are welcome.
Questions?  Contact Jody.