City Council Candidate Forum – Oct 7
Central Ballard Residents Association is pleased to announce two candidate forums for City Council positions 6, 8 and 9.
The forums will be held September 17, 2015 and October 7, 2015 at the Leif Erickson Hall, 2245 NW 57th St, Seattle, WA 98107, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
These will not be debates but opportunities for you, the citizens of Ballard, to engage with the candidates.
The format of the forums will have one candidate from each district given 1/2 hour each on each date. In other words, the two candidates for each position will speak on separate days. Each Candidate is being asked to provide a short statement of their position, to last no more than five minutes. The other 25 minutes will be a question and answer period. The dates, time slots and candidates are listed below. The time slots met with the best availability of the candidates as to dates and times and no inference can be made from their appointed date and time.
September 17, 2015
7:00-7:30 District 8 Jon Grant
7:30-8:00 District 9 Bill Bradburd
8:00-8:30 District 6 Catherine Weatbrook
October 7, 2015
7:00-7:30 District 9 Lorena Gonzales
7:30-8:00 District 8 Tim Burgess
8:00-8:30 District 6 Mike O-Brien