Ballard Sunday Dinners — give to the community!

Volunteer positions are open throughout the winter.  Temperatures have dropped and it’s c-c-c-cold out there!  Our neighbors who live out of doors will appreciate a hot meal.  This is a terrific opportunity to donate your time, energy and self to our community!  To volunteer with preparing and serving the meal, or helping with clean up, please contact Camilla.  Cooking / set up shifts are generally 3-4 hours and usually start about 2pm; clean up shifts are typically shorter and most Sundays start around 5pm.

Ballard Sunday Dinners was created by five Ballard churches and Sustainable Ballard to offer weekly hot meals with dignity to our homeless neighbors.  Before it started, Sunday evenings were the only time in the week that a seated, indoor dinner had not been offered in our neighborhood, and we have joined together to fill a gap in services that each organization couldn’t handle alone. food plateBallard First Lutheran Church graciously houses the project.  Participating church communities are providing the meals, and fundraising separately for the food.  Sustainable Ballard is recruiting additional volunteers.

If you’d like to know more about how it works before volunteering, please join us for a meal!  Every Sunday evening @ 5pm at Ballard First, all in the community are welcome.  Come eat a healthy meal, get to know some of  your neighbors, and learn what this is all about.crowdrise

A CrowdRise fundraiser is ongoing and we welcome support for a general fund, shared by all the participating churches, for facility and supply expenses.  To participate in the CrowdRise fundraiser, go here.