21 Acres: Eating for Wellness – Digestive Herbs, Feb 21
21 Acres brings a modern view to Hippocrates’ famous line, “Let food be thy medicine,” in this monthly series. Doctors and registered dietitians from around Puget Sound showcase local food and its role in promoting optimal health. Learn why these foods are beneficial – really delicious – and how to incorporate them into daily meals. After each class, you will have a chance to sit down with the presenter(s) for a Q&A session while enjoying some snacks.
This month, Eating for Wellness-Digestive Herbs, features Jeff Thomas, ND, as he discusses herbs and their role in digestive health. Learn how to make tinctures, teas, and how to incorporate these herbs into foods in this demonstration class.
Registration is required in advance for culinary programs. All proceeds benefit educational programming at 21 Acres and initiatives related to accelerating social change toward more sustainable ways of growing, eating and living that protect the environment while supporting a better quality of life.
Learn more about 21 Acres’ cancellation and refund policy.