U.W. Botanic Gardens Class: Inexpensive Ways to Build Better Soil – July 11

Monday, July 11, 6:30pm – 7:30pmUW Botanic Gardens: Inexpensive Ways to Build Better Soil

Center for Urban Horticulture, Douglas Classroom (3501 NE 41st St, Seattle, WA 98105)

Mary Machala, Master Gardener, will ‘show and tell’ easy ways to build your garden soil using found materials from your own or your neighbor’s yard (and possibly elsewhere).  We’ll have a brief primer on soil – what it is and what’s in it that you want to cultivate.  We’ll digress into containers, compost, how to overwinter garden, mulch, flowers, vegetables and maybe even cover a little about pruning.  Easy give and take since we all learn from one another’s experience.  Fun. Informative. Guilt-free.

Please RSVP Online, by email (urbhort@uw.edu) or phone (206-685-8033)

Contact: 206-685-8033, urbhort@uw.edu

Ticket Link: apps.sefs.uw.edu…