Youth Climate Lobby Day – Jan 24
From the Youth Climate Lobby Day Organizers:
This network of youth activists and youth-led organizations is created with the intent of having a unified front against the ever-growing issues associated with the climate crisis. We are the generations most-impacted by climate change, we understand the urgency the climate crisis demands, and we understand the need for a just transition to a clean energy economy to solve it.
We will no longer allow our elected officials to prioritize the profit of Washington’s large corporations over the needs of the people, over our futures. Our lawmakers are elected to serve their constituents and to be accountable to us, not the demands of our state’s corporate polluters.
We demand a bold, equitable, science-based, and urgent response to the climate crisis. We demand that our legislators are held accountable to us and to our futures. Washington has the potential to be a leader for the rest of the country in our fight against the climate crisis.
We intend to fight the climate crisis like our lives depend on it, because they do.