We had a great Edible Garden Tour — thank you!
What a beautiful day it was for this year’s Edible Garden Tour! We have so many people to thank for making it such a great tour.
First and foremost, our gardeners — thank you for opening up your yards and gardens, for welcoming neighbors into your space and sharing your experience.
To our raffle prize donors — we are so grateful for your generosity! Many thanks to Walt’s Organic Fertilizer, Dirt Exchange, Market Street Shoes, EAT Ballard / Anchor Tattoo, Swanson’s Nursery and Greenwood Hardware.
Such an undertaking couldn’t happen without dedicated volunteers. We are indebted to the organizing team: Paula, Jenny, Donna, Andrea, Kathryn, Jennifer and Suzanne, and to everyone who helped out on the day of the tour. Thank you!
Read more about it! — here are a couple of blog posts for your reading pleasure:
~ from Swanson’s Nursery
~ from Melanie Reed