We are filled with gratitude this holiday season

Who would want to repeat 2020? Not us and yet …

Even with the crazy, weird world we found ourselves in this year, we also found many reasons to be grateful. We live in a generous community, with businesses who give back, individuals who give of their time and financial resources, and a beautiful environment that we love no matter what else swirls around in the human world.

Thank you to everyone who volunteered, made a financial contribution or participated in our activities this year. You are our life blood.

Thank you to the project leads and staff who have kept our programs going:

Camilla Walter – Meals with Neighbors
Kimberly Lindbergh – Ballard Tool Library
Donna Linn – Meaningful Movies
Jill Schleicher – Market Gleaning
Christine Ingersoll – Bakery Gleaning
Jody Grage – Ballard Knitters
Kit Hitchcock – Ballard Sprouts
Paula Jenson – Little Free Libraries
Jenny Heins – RainWise
Alyssa Pittman – Edible Garden Tour
Alona Fisher – Membership & Marketing
Margaret Wetter – Admin

And, of course, thank you to all of the local businesses who have supported us through this year: