Sustainable Ballard’s Market Gleaners Featured on University of Washington Podcast!
Learn about the food justice movement & feeding our hungry neighbors.
The Market Gleaning is a program for volunteers to collect fresh, local produce from the Ballard Farmers Market vendors and bring it to the Ballard Food Bank for those who need it most. To learn more about gleaning and its role in the broader food justice movement, you can check out this podcast ( created by three of our volunteers as part of their program in the UW School of Social Work.
We’re always looking for new volunteers to help feed the community while adhering to COVID-19 best practices. Volunteers can expect to help by collecting produce from the vendors, carrying boxes and sorting the collected food into containers at the Food Bank. Gleaning takes place from 1:45pm to ~4pm on Sundays, and we’re flexible with how often you volunteer – even giving your time once a month makes an impact in our community.
This is a simple and rewarding way to keep good produce out of the compost bin and get it to our Ballard neighbors in need. It’s fun, rewarding, and makes a tangible difference!
To learn more, email Jill at with the subject line “New Gleaning Volunteer.”