Sustainable Ballard Annual Meeting – Jan 23 – please join us!

New Beginnings in 2016

Our annual meeting is set for January 23rd and we hope you all will join us! This is an important get-together because, after 12 years serving the community, Sustainable Ballard is pursuing 501(c)(3) status this year! Our lawyers say the easiest approach is to dissolve the old organization and start anew. As a member, you have a say in this decision. Please join us at our Open House/Annual Meeting this Saturday. We need your vote!


  • Meet Your Sustainable Ballard:  Vote in the 2016 Board Members — bend our ears … we want to hear what you have to say about Sustainable Ballard, your ideas and hopes, where you’d like to see us prioritize our resources — we’ll be there to listen!
  • Be part of the celebration as we introduce Sustainable Ballard’s projects and project leaders for 2016
  • Help us thank our 2015 project leaders and volunteersopen house 1
  • Learn more about the projects we have cooking … come find out what we’re all about and sign up for something that interests you

January 23, 2016
2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Ballard Public Library