Stop by our booth at Tilth Alliance’s Edible Plant Sale – May 4 & 5
The Tilth Alliance Edible Plant Sale takes place on Saturday and Sunday, May 4 & 5, 9am to 3pm at 4850 Meridian Ave N and is FREE to attendees.
You’ll find an amazing selection of tantalizing veggies to choose from, including summer crops like tomatoes, peppers, squash and corn, foodie favorites, heirloom varieties, culinary herbs, edible flowers, pollinator plants and fruit trees and shrubs. The plants are the best varieties to grow successfully in our Pacific Northwest climate.
Sustainable Ballard will have a booth at the sale — stop by and say hi! In addition to information about all of our programs, on Saturday, RainWise experts will be on hand and on Sunday, volunteers with our upcoming Edible Garden Tour will be in the booth. We hope to see you there!