Social Justice Sunday with Peter Kalmus
Everyone welcome!
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Optional potluck brunch at 10:00 A.M.
Please bring your own cup and a dish to share (precut with serving utensil).
Talk at 10:30 A.M.
Meadowbrook Community Center
10517 35th Ave. NE, Seattle
The Climate Action Team at University Unitarian Church is pleased to announce that Peter Kalmus, the author of Being the Change: Live Well and Spark a Climate Revolution, will be featured at Social Justice Sunday on July 8.
Being the Change explores the connections between our individual daily actions and our collective predicament. It merges science, spirituality, and practical action to develop a satisfying and appropriate response to global warming.
“I began to experience that everyday things are miracles …. Now, I feel more connected to the world around me, and I see that fossil fuels actually stood in the way of realizing those connections.” Peter Kalmus
Peter Kalmus is an atmospheric scientist at Caltech/Jet Propulsion Laboratory with a Ph.D. in physics from Columbia University. At home, he explores how dramatically reducing carbon emissions can lead to a happier, more connected life. He enjoys orcharding, beekeeping, and backpacking with his wife and two children. He reduced his carbon footprint to 10% of the U.S. average by using the techniques he describes in his book.
Also on the agenda: Middle school youths Sierra and Caroline will talk about the July 21st Zero Hour Youth Climate March in Washington D.C., Seattle, and other cities across the country.
“Together, we are a movement of unstoppable youth organizing to protect our rights and access to the natural resources and a clean, safe, and healthy environment that will ensure a livable future where we not just survive, but flourish.” (
Sponsored by University Unitarian Church Climate Action Team.