
“As I walked the neighborhood I saw the advent of many new gardens with signs identifying them as rain gardens. Could this help with the trouble spot in my front yard, that never quite looked as nice as I’d hoped? I saw a sign for Fasoldt Gardens and gave them a call. They were so knowledgeable and enthusiastic that the garden took form. Nancy came over and helped me select plants and later we chose the placement for them together. When it was all done she was there to help me fill out the papers for the City rebate.
For days it didn’t rain but when it did I was out there to see it work. I especially love to watch the water run down the rain chain and hear the gurgle as it runs thru the pipe on the house. I am still proud of this improvement even in the dead of winter. It’s also nice to know we are doing our part for the city runoff problems.”
– Sheila
- Rain Garden
- Design by Fasoldt Gardens