Our 15th Annual Edible Garden was a Feast for the Senses!
This year’s tour was our largest ever, with 27 gardens and over 290 tickets sold. We saw cottage gardens and raised bed planting strip gardens, new raised beds and well-established gardens, shady areas and drought tolerant plantings, and so many veggies and berries and fruit trees. Several hosts had tips about rainwater storage and irrigation systems. And of course, we all commiserated over the plants we lost in the cold snap last winter.
If you attended the tour and have photos to share, please load them here:

Thank you to all the hosts who shared their yards, time, and experience!

And a huge thank you to all of our volunteer team – from the scouts who found these amazing gardens, to the people who put up posters and handed out postcards to publicize the tour, to the people who weeded and made treats to thank the garden hosts, to everyone who chipped in on the day of the tour to make it happen. We couldn’t do it without this group of people! Let Alyssa know if you’d like to help next year.