Oil Furnace Replacement Program Extended for 2018
From the City of Seattle’s Greenspace Blog with the Office of Sustainability and the Environment:
Rebate Extended -Up to $2,000 for Oil Heated Homes!
Building on a successful promotion in 2017, Seattle is extending its Oil Furnace Replacement Program into 2018. The program encourages homeowners to replace their oil furnace with an energy-efficient electric heat pump. The City of Seattle has partnered with Gensco, an HVAC distributor to implement the program and to contribute incentive dollars to match those from the City. The program continues through December 31, 2018 or until funds run out.
Why should homeowners make the switch?
- Homeowner’s can save up to 50% on their heating costs
- The average oil heated home emits approximately 5 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year; Seattle’s electricity is generated locally and is carbon neutral, so converting fossil fuels to clean electricity is good for our region and our climate
- Most oil heated homes were built before 1960 and old oil tanks have a higher risk for leaks which impacts soil, water and homeowner health
- Heat pumps provide consistent and efficient heating and cooling for year-round comfort
- Once a home has converted to electric heating, homeowners may be eligible for Seattle City Light window and insulation rebates
What are the eligibility requirements?
- Home is in the city of Seattle and is an existing single-family residence (1-4 units), or townhouse. (Multifamily units and new construction do not qualify.)
- The current primary heating source for the home is oil heat and the oil furnace is in working condition.
- Installation must be performed by a participating contractor listed on NoMoreOilHeat.com
How to Participate
Homeowners should visit www.NoMoreOilHeat.com for details and to access the list of participating contractors. Financing is available from Craft3 and Puget Sound Cooperative Credit Union, with a convenient loan repayment option on Seattle City Light electric bills.
If you have additional questions not addressed by the website, please contact Christine Bunch, Christine.bunch@seattle.gov, 206-615-1633.