Northwest EcoBuilding Monthly Education Session: Keeping Cool Now and for the Future – July 27
What’s new and green in HVAC and envelopes for cooling
Wednesday, July 27, 7pm-9pm – Come Early and Stay Late for Conversation
6:30pm-7pm, Social Networking and Refreshments (Provided)
Phinney Neighborhood Center Lower Brick Building, 6532 Phinney Ave N, Seattle, WA 98103
Demand for summer air conditioning has been growing in the northwest, and even the best predictions for climate change will bring many more summer days above 90 degrees. We have to plan to keep our buildings cool now and in the future.
This evening will explore how we define human comfort, along with what’s new and green in HVAC equipment and controls for cooling, opportunities for natural cooling and how we can improve envelopes to reduce unwanted heat gain. Ideas we hope to cover include:
- Best practices with existing and new technologies for cooling with HVAC
- Natural ventilation, Aerodynamic ceiling fans, solar orientation and shading
- Evaporative cooling from trees and plantings on buildings
- Envelope improvements, including phase change insulation materials
- Earth coupled cooling
Lucas Johnson, Western Manager of 475 High Performance Building Supply, is a building science aficionado who is passionate about making energy efficient buildings healthy, durable, cost-effective, and enjoyable. His specialty is bridging between technical knowledge and real world understanding. Come prepared with your best questions and biggest challenges!
Travis Weeks, General Manager of Performance Insulation and Energy Services in Seattle. With 20+ years of construction experience in framing through finish he’s taking that knowledge and educated builders and homeowners on how best to seal up exterior envelops to get houses as air tight as possible while still focusing on production and budgets for his customers.
Craig Christensen, Resicon LLC is primarily an Electrical Contractor that specializes in energy efficiency upgrades. Ductless Heat Pumps, LED Lighting, ERV’s, and Ventilation are our core focus areas. Our business works with several Low Income Weatherization agencies as well as private companies and individuals. We also have a General Contractor’s license.
Join us for this great educational event. Bring your ideas and your question (who will ask the panel about reducing internal loads?). Come early, stay late for a little conversation, and enjoy the snacks and refreshment.
Northwest EcoBuilding Guild
120 State Ave NE #303, Olympia, WA 98501
(360) 867-8821