Local Climate Solutions from Front Line Communities – Jan 23
You are invited to join with local participants from the COP21 session at La Galerie des Solutions including local activist Sarra Tekola, members of the Tulalip, Lummi, and Saanich Tribes, and keynote speaker Laurence Brahm. Laurence Brahm is a global activist, social entrepreneur, international lawyer, political-economist, crisis mediator, and author of over 20 books on Asia. He has worked on climate change with many heads of state from Bhutan to Iceland. He was the architect of China’s quantum shift away from fossil fuels to renewables involving major adjustments in growth and a rethinking of GDP. He is the author of Fusion Economics on his work with the Himalayan Consensus and the African Consensus. The solutions for climate change are being pioneered at the community level. Governments need to pay attention and learn. We need to change their policies to allow local solutions to flourish. Renewable and efficient energy options can create jobs and give life back to our lost economy. Sponsored by the Green Party of Washington State.
Saturday, January 23rd, 1 – 4 pm
at the Duwamish Longhouse, 4705 W Marginal Way SW, West Seattle