Liz and Peter

This rain garden enhances Liz and Peter's front yard.
This rain garden enhances Liz and Peter’s front yard.

Our beautiful rain garden drains the front half of our roof. The solution involved disconnecting the two front downspouts from the combined sewer system, adjusting the gutter, and routing the storm water down a new downspout and along a lovely long cedar trough that empties into our rain garden. It’s like a fountain! We love watching the rain come down and travel through the trough into our garden, though that has become a bit harder as the plants have grown. We enjoyed working with the landscape designer who designed the rain garden, and the wonderful RainWise contractor who installed it.

As we go through our second RainWise winter we are glad to know that we are doing our part to reduce combined sewer overflows.”
– Liz and Peter

  • Rain Garden (installed December 2010)
  • Design by JensonGreenDesign Group
  • Installation by RR Zollinger Landscape Services
  • 567 sf Roof Runoff captured
  • $2268 Rebate
  • 62% of total project cost



This elegant cedar trough adds a unique water feature to the rain garden.
This elegant cedar trough adds a unique water feature to the rain garden.