King Conservation District Grant Workshops – March 23 & 24

The King Conservation District (KCD) is a natural resources assistance agency authorized by Washington State and guided by the Washington State Conservation Commission. They work to promote the sustainable use of natural resources through responsible stewardship.

All landowners within the District boundaries are entitled to free information and technical assistance for water quality protection, wildlife habitat enhancement, farm management plans, soil and slope stability information, native plant products, manure exchange information, volunteer opportunities, stream restoration/enhancement assistance and many other natural resource topics.

In Seattle, the KCD partners with the City of Seattle to execute a grant program that supports projects that directly improve the condition of natural resources, provide education and outreach to increase awareness, build capacity to enhance implementation of natural
resource improvement projects and implement pilot or demonstration projects. Learn more about the grant program and what kinds of projects are eligible for funding at one of these upcoming workshops.

Monday, March 23,  6:00pm – 7:30pm
Northeast Library Branch
6801 35th Ave N.E.
Seattle, WA 98115

Tuesday, March 24, 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Beacon Hill Library Branch
2821 Beacon Ave S.
Seattle, WA 98144

Please RSVP.

For more information about the grant process and to view past projects, please visit: