Help for the Holidays – More Meaning, Less Stuff!
Every Holiday Season our problem with Stuff rears it’s ugly head. The season can be more full of joy, reflection and family when we reduce the time spent on shopping, spending and frenzied preparation. We’ve put together some great local and national resources to help you on your way:
Set an intention to live your values. Pledge to Simplify the Holidays with New Dream (More of What Matters) and take advantage of a slew of great resources such as a gorgeous and easy-to-download gift coupon book template and a list of over 100 non-Stuff coupon ideas.
Create a wish list. Let your loved ones know what you’d like to receive this year instead of Stuff. Use the SoKind Registry to pick out the experiences, crafts, thrift items and one-on-one time you really crave. It’s the only gift registry that will fill your life with memories instead of Stuff.
Share the wealth. Do you have tools or accessories or beautiful serving dishes you never use? Reduce the clutter in your house and perhaps find the perfect item for your gift list with your local Buy Nothing Facebook group. Buy Nothing Ballard is so big it is divided into 4 regions. Just open Facebook and type “Buy Nothing Ballard” to find your community.
Buy local. Explore the Seattle Good Directory — discover hundreds of organizations doing the most GOOD in Seattle and throughout Washington!
Give a gift that keeps on giving. The Cascadia Region now boasts 7 different ways that you can give beverages in reusable bottles. Turn your giftee on to one of them. Thanks to our friends at Sightline for this great article.
Say goodbye to junk mail. Stop the clear cutting of forests to bring you catalogs you don’t want, full of products you’d never buy. Sign up for Catalog Choice today. (Bonuses: It’s free, it’s nonprofit, and it’s now managed by The Story of Stuff Project!)
Do you know of other resources? Please let us know!