King County Seed Library Seed Swap – Jan 25
First Seed Swap of 2020 Set for Jan. 25
Sprout some new ideas for your edible garden! Come to the annual Great Seattle Seed Swap hosted at the Phinney Center by the King County Seed Lending Library (KCSLL).

The Northwest Seattle swap will be January 25, 2-4 p.m. in the Community Center of the PNA’s Brick Building (lower parking lot).
Along with seeds of favorite vegetables, you will find enthusiastic fellow gardeners eager to share their best varieties. Nearly half of the 100 attendees at last year’s swap brought their own seeds.
At the swap, stick around to learn about both ends of the gardening year. There will be short workshops on seed saving and other gardening topics. If you save your own seeds, you can make a deposit to the library’s seed bank at next year’s swap.
Bring your edible garden seed to share. It can be commercial or home-grown seed, but please follow these guidelines:
- Share only seeds of edible plants that your fellow gardeners would grow from seed, such as annual vegetables, herbs, and edible flowers.
- If donating packaged seed, it should be organic or open-pollinated or heirloom.
- If donating home-saved seed, please clean it off the stems or stalks and bring only the seed.
- You can clean your seed at the swap. We will have screens, and buckets available.
- All shared seed should be fresh, within three years of purchase or saving.
- Please label all donations with seed type, variety if known, and year it was grown/saved.
The Seed Swap is free, and open to all; bringing seed is not required.

The King County Seed Lending Library’s Northwest Seattle Branch is housed within the PNA Tool Library. Other branches of the seed library are hosted around King County, and some have their own swaps. See our Events page for swap listings as they become available.