Free Letters Home™ Celebrates a GREAT year in 2018!
Free Letters Home™ had a fantastic year in 2018!
By the numbers:
- 483 cards
- 185 stamps
- 81 visitors (at Nyer Urness House)
Thanks to Bev for her leadership of this effort and to all the volunteers who gave of their time throughout the year!
In 2018 we branched out to the Ballard Urban Rest Stop, and tested the Ballard Tiny Houses and Mary’s Place locations — thanks to Kate and Andrea!

At the Nyer Urness Holiday Extravaganza, we gave away 178 Holiday Greeting cards plus two boxes of boxed cards. There are two ‘elves’ at Nyer Urness who decided that every resident should get a card this year.
Thanks to the generosity of Sustainable Ballard members and our Ballard neighbors, we were able to give generously and give them all the cards they wanted.