Final call for police accountability during the 2021 Legislative Session

Our message to the Washington State Legislature and Governor Inslee: We are ready to do more than just acknowledge anti-Black racism as a crisis in the Evergreen state. A public health crisis. Washington state is ready to change laws to end that crisis. Ready to invest in a future where Black people and all Washingtonians thrive.

Act Today! The last day of our legislative session is this Sunday, April 25th.

Please find the final list of Washington Black Lives Matter Alliance ( recommendations for Governor Inslee and ask him to “sign them all.” Keep the pressure on. Keep using your voice. And your power. Send these bills to Governor Inslee’s desk. Demand Reparations for Black Lives. If you are white, please note that in your message.  

Together, these bills are part of more than a half billion dollar 2021 Reparations for Black Lives package of lifesaving law, policy, and direct investment. Together, we’re going to get these bills through the legislature, and send them to Governor Inslee’s desk.

This is it. Protection and liberation.

For daily alerts, news and updates on BLM actions, sign up at the bottom of the website, and also get on-going news at from the Black Lives Matter Seattle-King County mailing list.

Here is a sample message you can use:

Email to jay.inslee@gov.wa

Governor Inslee,

Last year across the nation, people rose in outrage at the murder of George Floyd. This week, Derek Chauvin was convicted on all three counts; second-degree unintentional murder, third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter. Finally.

These bills are headed to your desk. When they get there, we demand to see them signed into law. Washington state is ready. 

  • HB 1054: No, the police can not choke BIPOC persons until they are dead. 
  • SB 5259: Yes. There will be a statewide database recording police use of force incidents.
  • SB 5135: No, the police can not be summoned to intimidate or discriminate.
  • HB 1310: Yes. Deadly force must be the absolute last resort and only used when there is an imminent threat to bodily harm.
  • HB 1267: And when deadly force is used, it will be independently investigated. Statewide.
  • HB 1089: And yes. The State Auditor is authorized to review a deadly force investigation to determine whether the involved actors complied with the independent investigation requirements.
  • SB 5051: Yes. Police officers should be decertified for using excessive force.
  • HB 1088: And yes. There must and will be real transparency on police misconduct and complaints. 
  • SB 5066: When an officer sees another officer use excessive force, they must intervene.

[As a white person,] In solidarity with the Washington Black Lives Matter Alliance,

[Your Name and Address]