Ballard Green Building Talk #8: A Uniquely Ballard DIY Green Building Tale
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Sustainable Ballard + Heliotrope Architects + Hammer & Hand
Ballard Green Building Talk
featuring a high performance | high design addition
Presented by: Joe Herrin (Heliotrope) + Sam Hagerman (H&H)
This Loyal Heights addition took a small “Ballard Box” cottage and added a modernist sister structure that pays homage to the neighborhood’s architecture, while saving energy.
The project drew on the combined talents of architect, clients, and builder to create a confluence of high-design and high-performance building. Design was by Heliotrope Architects. Passive House- inspired building shell by Hammer & Hand. The young homeowners did all finish work themselves to keep costs low.
Join the architect, builder, and homeowners for a tour of the still-in-process home and their joint telling of this uniquely Ballard green building tale.