Edible Garden Tour looking for a leader or two
The Sustainable Ballard Edible Garden tours ran very successfully for nine consecutive years. In 2018, however, its original leaders were otherwise engaged during the spring planning time. Several of the committee members want the tour to start up again this year, and would love to mentor and assist anyone interested in becoming the project lead for Edible Garden Tour #10!
Planning meetings usually begin in February or March to decide on the area and date, and then begin recruiting homeowners who wish to showcase their edible gardens.
Intrigued? Interested? Contact Paula for more information or to indicate interest.
More about the Edible Garden Tour:
Grow, don’t mow!
Our goal is to educate and inspire folks to grow food by giving examples of creative uses of parking / planting strips, containers, raised beds, bee houses, chicken coops, goats, fruit trees, berries and more! On the tour attendees have an opportunity to meet the gardeners and ask questions. The tour typically includes more than a dozen gardens to explore within walking distance of the starting point. The suggested $10 donation supports Sustainable Ballard’s community projects.