Climate Science on Tap: Hitting Home-Climate Change Impacts in PNW – Dec 3

While we should all care about the global impacts of climate change, it is difficult not to want to focus in on impacts that we can expect to see in our own backyard. This upcoming Climate Science on Tap: Schooner Series event hits close to home in examining projected climate changes in the Pacific Northwest. We will examine implications to our hydrological cycle with a changing snow pack. We will talk about stresses on our marine food web, particularly everyone’s favorites, salmon and orcas. We will also seriously consider the shrinking habitat for Cascadia’s ever-elusive sasquatch. As always, we’re here to tackle big topics in pint-sized packages with fun, informative, conversation over a brew or two. We hope you join us!

Oriana Chegwidden, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Megan Feddern, School of Aquatic and Fisheries Sciences
Katie Breen, School of Environmental and Forestry Sciences

Tuesday, December 3rd, 7:00 pm at the Flying Bike Cooperative Brewery, 8570 Greenwood Ave N.  

The Climate Science on Tap: Schooner panel is sponsored by the UW Program on Climate Change and Cascadia Climate Action.