City of Seattle Issues Guidance for Staying Cool in Warm Weather
Highlights New Openings of Libraries and Pools
As Seattle is anticipated to reach temperatures around 90 degrees this weekend (June 26-June 28), the City of Seattle is providing information on how to stay safe in the heat as well as the reopening of public spaces that may be used to stay cool during the high temperatures. With temperatures expected to increase throughout the week, the City will continue to assess the available cooling spaces or shelter, and issue additional guidance, as necessary.
“This upcoming week, we’re reopening many City facilities for individuals to stay cool, but many of our City’s indoor spaces remain closed or at reduced capacity due to state and local Public Health mandates,” said Seattle Mayor Jenny A. Durkan. “As a reminder, drink plenty of water, reduce strenuous outdoor activities, check on neighbors and those at risk for heat-related illness, and don’t leave any pets in the car.”
The City of Seattle Office of Emergency Management monitors weather forecasts and coordinates any City-wide preparation needed to manage the consequences from excessive heat and high temperatures. Key factors include:
Advisory or statement (Heat Advisory, Excessive Heat Watch, Excessive Heat Warning) from National Weather Service
Any spike in heat related illnesses
Hot days without significant nighttime cooling
Risks of utility and transportation failures
Public Health – Seattle & King County has issued guidance regarding how to stay cool and safe.
Stay Hydrated
Drink plenty of water. Have a beverage with you at all times, and sip or drink frequently. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink.
Reduce, eliminate, or re-schedule strenuous outdoor activities without air conditioning if you can. If you normally exercise outdoors – as recommended – exercise either in the early morning or late evening hours.
Avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol and large amounts of sugar, which can dehydrate your body.
Keep Kids Safe
Never leave infants or children in vehicles unattended – even with the windows rolled down. Temperatures rise quickly in vehicles, even when the outside temperature is 60 degrees a vehicles interior can easily heat up to 110 degrees.
Protect Pets
Pets are especially vulnerable in high heat and the Seattle Animal Shelter recommends the following:
Never leave your animal unattended in direct sunlight. Provide a shady area for retreat and remember shaded areas move with the sun. Provide access to cool water at all times.
If you leave animals indoors, open secured screened windows, keep a fan running, provide plenty of water, and, if possible, leave them in a cool location.
Never leave animals unattended in a vehicle. Temperatures rise quickly leaving them trapped and unable to escape the heat. Under Washington state law an animal control officer or law enforcement officer has the authority to remove an animal from a vehicle by any means necessary if the animal is suffering or is likely to suffer from exposure to excessive heat and the owner may be charged with animal cruelty.
Avoid overexerting your animal in hot weather. Exercise is fine when taken in moderation, but extreme heat conditions, obesity, old age, breed and underlying disease can predispose an animal to the risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Hot pavement can quickly burn sensitive paws.
For birds, take caution and place the bird’s cage away from direct sunlight during the intense heat of the afternoon. Provide water and fruits and vegetables with high moisture content.
Smaller furred pets, such as rabbits and guinea pigs, can overheat easily. Snacks such as cucumber, melon or any watery vegetable can help keep them hydrated. Frozen water bottles can give them something cool to lie next to or near.
The following libraries offer air conditioned public space and can be used as a place to cool off when outdoor temperatures are high. The Central Library and several neighborhood branches are reopening this week during peak hours. Libraries remain at a reduced 50% building capacity due to state health mandates until June 30. Masks are still required regardless of vaccination status, and physical distancing remains in place. Please be sure to check Library hours online at, or by calling our Ask Us line at 206-386-4636, before visiting.
Ballard Branch
Status: Reopened
Hours: Open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays
Pools and Water Areas
Wading pools will open to the public on the schedule below and spray parks will open to the public on Saturday, June 26.
Wading pools (starting Saturday, June 26, noon-7pm unless otherwise listed)
Dahl, 7700 25th Ave. NE, Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues
Soundview, 1590 NW 90th St., Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues
Bitter Lake 13035 Linden Ave. N, Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun
Green Lake (opens 7/2), N 73rd and E Green Lake Dr. N, Thurs/Fri/Sat/Sun
Spray Parks (starting Saturday, June 26, 11am-8pm everyday)
Northacres Park, 12800 1st Ave. NE
Yesler Terrace Park , 917 Yesler Way
Lifeguarded Beaches (starting Saturday, June 26, noon to 7 p.m. weekdays and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays):
West Green Lake, 7312 W Green Lake Dr. through September 5
Human Services Department
In accordance with its inclement weather planning, the Human Services Department will continue to monitor forecasts over the coming days to determine if additional measures are necessary.
To support those living unsheltered, the HOPE Team, in partnership with outreach providers, will be conducting welfare checks, handing out water, and providing other supports, including referrals to shelter, over the coming days. The City does have some limited availability of 24/7 enhanced shelter, tiny homes, and other shelter spaces.
Seattle Center
Seattle Center Armory will reopen to the public on July 1 and is equipped with air conditioning and filtration.
Seattle Center Armory Food & Event Hall, opening July 1, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily
International Fountain, opens July 1, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily
Fountain of Creation (Dupen Fountain), closed for renovation
Additional Resources
Tips from Public Health – Seattle & King County
Tips from Seattle Fire Department