Bringing in Ballard Friday Night Social: Celebrate Harvest! – Nov 18
The final Bringing in Ballard event is Celebrate Harvest on Friday, November 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, 5710 22nd Ave NW in downtown Ballard. Renowned chef Bruce Naftaly will match wits and hotplates with teams of volunteers from St. Luke’s Edible Hope program and the Ballard Food Bank, using produce from urban gardens and typical food bank donations.
The community is invited to be the “audience” for this madcap mix of “Iron Chef” meets “Chopped.” There will be an emcee, local celebrity judges (Pie Queen Mary Schile and EatBallard’s Gerard Wirz). Ballard’s Dog Bone will play blues music to eat by.
The event is free but participants are asked to bring a dish for the potluck, which can be submitted for guest judging (with a pie category). Participants are also asked to bring canned or packaged food for the Ballard Food Bank that can also be used to vote for their favored chef.
Launched in the November 2015 the Bringing in Ballard Friday night socials have connected newcomers to long-time residents to support bonds with each other and to this unique and delightful corner of the city. Funded by a Small & Simple Grant for the City of Seattle’s Department of Neighborhoods to Cheryl Chow Court this is the grand finale. The Steering Committee will also use the opportunity to thank its partners and the organizations and individuals who have shared stories and products over the last year, from social clubs to maritime, home, gardens and transportation.
Where else can you wear your favorite apron while watching master chefs cook for you?