Break Free PNW – May 13-15
World leaders say we have to stay below 1.5°C of warming to avoid climate destabilization. No current policies keep us anywhere near this goal: we’re barreling towards double that, leaving our children with a broken world.
This has to change, and we have to lead. Organizers on every continent are planning a global wave of mass actions in May to confront the fossil fuel industry and the politicians that do its bidding. The Shell and Tesoro refineries near Anacortes refine 47% of all the gas used in the NW, and are the largest unaddressed source of carbon pollution in Washington; they are an integral part of the system we must change – and soon.
We will create space for something better to grow in its place: from clean energy projects to local solutions that provide for a just transition to a new economy.
We can show the fossil fuel industry that we’re through with their pollution, their corruption, and their greed.
Together, we can make this the turning point. Join us!