Bike Collection for Climate and Social Justice

Saturday, September 26, 9am-4pm
Hosted by 350 Seattle

Bikes are a crucial tool in the fight against climate pollution, economic injustice, and COVID-19. Bikes are not only a zero-emissions alternative to virus fears in crowded indoor spaces like buses, but also they prevent the traffic and climate pollution that is already surfacing around the world as folks choose cars over transit. Bikes are also the cheapest transportation available: a monthly bike commute is half the cost of a low-income ORCA lift card. Yet every bike store we talk to says commuter bikes are selling at multiple times the usual number, and bikes under $1,000 are sold out!

You can help make bicycle-transportation more accessible for all! 350 Seattle is hosting a bike collection in collaboration with Bike Works – a non-profit which empowers youth through bike mechanics, riding and leadership activities. They keep thousands of bikes out of the landfill and get them back on the street as clean, healthy transportation alternatives.
Drop off your unwanted bicycles (even if they need repair), bike parts and bike accessories with us and Bike Works will do the rest. You will be promoting the bicycle as a vehicle for change to empower youth and build resilient communities!

We are partnering with Bike Works, who build community by providing affordable bicycle services to all. Youth ages 9-18 can join their Earn-a-Bike program in which youth pick out a bike to build up, get access to free weekly bike repair sessions, and free community bike rides. The Bikes-for-All! program provides free rebuilt bicycles & helmets to youth, adults, & families living in SE Seattle who are facing barriers. Each year, Bike Works partners with dozens of schools and community organizations to identify hundreds of low income families who have children ages 4 – 18 in need of a working bike and helmet. Youth bike giveaways are ongoing, as-needed, and target SE Seattle communities. Select donations go to the Bike Works bike shop, which provides bikes and gear at an affordable price that meets a majority of income levels for members of our community.

Bike Collection sites will be distributed through Seattle neighborhoods, and collection will be staggered through the day. We will share those details soon! In the meantime, let us know if you have bikes or gear to donate by filling out this form: